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Teacher Clarity

Teacher clarity is both a method and a mindset, and it has an effect size of 0.84 (Hattie, 2022). It’s teaching that is organized and intentional. It brings a forthrightness and fairness to the classroom because student learning is based on transparent expectations.

So, how would you like to learn how to double the speed of student learning, TEACHER CLARITY! By having teachers who have intentionality in their lessons, success criteria developed and aligned to the standards, student success if bound to happen.

This professional learning will instruct and guide educators and school leaders through a process of designing instruction that brings students into the learning process. We will dive into the Teacher Clarity Framework and build an understanding of how to communicate with students in what they will be learning about, why they are learning it, and how to assess their success of the content.

This workshop is designed for educators, coaches, school leaders, and professional learning directors.

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